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Key Stage 4 Communities & Identity

Years 10 and 11 Global Citizenship

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Lesson Plan

Teaching ObjectivesPossible Teaching ActivityLearning Outcomes

Pupils should have a basic understanding of:

  • the concept of global citizenship
  • the impact that the decisions they make can have on the wider world
  • the concept of fair trade
  • the concept of sustainable development

Begin the lesson by talking to students about global citizenship. What do they understand by this term? Do they really feel that their actions affect the world as a whole?

Ask the students whether they think any of the decisions they make when they go shopping in their local high street have a global effect? What types of issues could they think about when deciding what to buy?

What do students understand by the term 'fair trade'?Talk to them about the concept of fair trade and discuss with them ways in which they can shop smartly.

Talk to the students about sustainable development. What do they understand by this term? Do they think that we need to take any action to help the future of our planet?

  • Students will be able to recognise that there are many different factors that affect the wider world and they will understand basic underlying concepts such as fair trading and sustainable development

Teachers Notes

What is global citizenship?

Background Notes

Most young people now have a global context to their lives. They may have family origins in another country or they may live or study alongside people from all over the world.

Every decision that we make as consumers has an impact on global society. Students need to learn about these impacts and what role their actions can have on society.

By looking at global citizenship we become aware of the wider world and can understand our role in that world. It enables us to respect and value diversity and encourages us to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place.

Suggested Teaching Activity

Ideas for class work

Consuming Passions ( is a FREE teaching pack designed specifically for teaching Consumer Education to Key Stage 4 students that has been developed by the National Consumer Council in conjunction with the Institute for Citizenship. It contains a wealth of useful teachers' notes and teaching activities to ensure that you can offer your students a complete consumer education package as part of the Citizenship curriculum.

The Commonwealth Institute website ( has information and ideas on global issues to help with the teaching of global citizenship in schools.

Citizenship: the global dimension ( is a website which contains resources and information specifically designed for teachers.

The Centre for Global and Development Education website ( contains a wealth of information about global citizenship including resources and learning materials.

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How do my decisions affect the wider world?

Background Notes

There are a range of factors that will affect the way in which most of us will shop such as:

  • Advertising
  • Friends/Peer pressure
  • Fashion
  • Quality of goods

There are, however, other factors that we should also start thinking about when making our decisions, as these have an effect on our world at large.


  • the human rights of those making our goods
  • have the goods been made with environmental sustainability in mind?
  • have the goods been tested on animals?

There are many practices that we may consider to be ethically wrong but actually know very little about.

Lots of organisations provide information on consumer issues that enable individuals to act ethically in the market place when making their decision about purchasing.

Suggested Teaching Activity

The following websites all contain educational resources and information on a wide range of global issues:

United Nations website ( schools education section is called Cyber School Bus.

The Oxfam education website (

Friends of the Earth (

Greenpeace (

Just Business website ( has been developed to provide information and activities about global and ethical issues for students and teachers of Business Studies and Economics.

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What is fair trade?

Background Notes

Fair Trade is concerned with the fact that there are many people throughout the world who live in poverty or work in unacceptable conditions.

Various organisations in the UK now support different ethical trading initiatives, which are designed to provide producers in developing countries with a fair share of the returns from the sale of their products.

The problems experienced by poor producers and workers in developing countries differ from product to product.

Eg - Small independent farmers may grow coffee and cocoa on their own land, therefore the most important aspect of fair trading for them is receiving a fair price for their produce. In contrast to this, tea is usually grown on estates and the main concern about fair trade in this circumstance is that the workers on the estate are paid a fair wage and have decent working conditions.

Suggested Teaching Activity


The Department for International Development is the UK government department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. They produce various publications and a list of these is available (

The British Red Cross has developed a range of education materials designed to look at a range of humanity issues. A magazine is also available which includes teaching materials, ideas and suggestions. Contact Youth and School Unit - 020 7235 5454

Resources and Information

The World Bank Group has developed a schools section on their website ( which is designed to help teach about different poverty issues.

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Why do I need to know about sustainable development?

Background Information

Sustainable development requires a balance between economic prosperity, social equity and the environment to ensure quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.

Sustainable development isn't just about achieving a 'clean' environment and preserving nature: it is also about social justice and equitable access to resources, as well as reducing the overall throughput of resources at a global level.

The future or our world is unknown but with sustainable development, we can try to ensure a better quality of life for everyone and becoming an informed citizen is a key element in making it happen.

The QCA website contains information on Education for Sustainable Development (

Suggested Teaching Activity

Information and Resources

Through the development of wwflearning website, ( the WWF provides information and resources to support teaching about sustainable development.

Why not get your students to visit the Global Footprints website ( which is designed to help young people to take steps towards a sustainable future.

On-line resources

Christian Aid has developed a range of on-line practical classroom materials ( for secondary school teachers. Their website also contains details on their 'Trade Rules!' game which has been designed to teach students about the workings of the World Trade Organisation and to have an insight into the frustrations of an unjust trading system.

The Council for Environmental Education website ( contains an information centre with resources for environmental and sustainable development education.

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